Depression, 6 Ways To Be Your Own Therapist!

1. Exercise
Practicing yoga, freehand, aerobics, etc. is a good way to relax your mind and have a refreshing start to your day. Even if you think you are too occupied with work, family, etc. find at leas 10 minutes each morning and find your inner peace.

2. Maintain A Journal/Diary
Yes, let it all out. Sit in your sadness bubble and let it out into space by pouring your heart out into the diary. Do you have unanswered questions or secret desires? Write them in the diary and wait for the answers to come to you or see what your heart tells you to do. You can never go wrong with a diary.

3. Connect With Nature
Nature has a very powerful way of calming you down like no other. It can help you straighten out your life in a millisecond. It can help you see right from wrong, give you a break from depression, inspire you like no other. So, get up from that couch and start by taking a walk in the park.

4.Let It Go
To put it more easily, just relax. When you are in a chilled out mood, everything will seem a little less complicated. Life issues will seem like they don’t matter. You will find it easier to not take things personally and let things go. Thus, it will be easier for you to come out of that bubble. Forgive and forget is a great motto to live by.

5. Inspire Yourself
Don’t know how? Indulge yourself in everything, and literally everything that makes you happy. Find your passion and pursue it. Make sure what you do make you smile and laugh. Cook yourself your favorite food, cuddle with your pet, watch your favorite movie with some popcorn, etc. Make sure whatever it is, it brings you the joy that you need to lighten up your mood.
6. Move On
Yes, last but not the least finish your cleansing ritual by moving on. Let bygones be bygones. Open up your heart and mind to new prospects and possibilities of life. Make new friends, take a new path, and explore the world. Start coming out of your comfort zone. Let anything that ever happened to you be a past that you learn from and not something that you hold in your heart and stop yourself from moving in your future. Let it make you better and stronger than ever. Don’t let that make you be afraid of whatever comes next. Let it make you bolder and face it head on.

Yes, it’s not really that hard to be your own therapist is it? These 6 steps are all about inspiring you. Over time, you self-confidence will grow to a level that you won’t know any bounds and you will feel unstoppable. Never once will it make you feel unsafe, uncoordinated or uncomfortable. So what are you waiting for? Start a trial run and see for yourself how real all these are.
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Hey,i'm Nelson, a portuguese designer, Blogger and much more... SilverNuts is a multisubject blog that shows all the interesting stuff i find on the net and life. At this point some of the posts you will see are reports from other blogs or sites... But im looking forward to be able to write and posts original material. I encoraje you to always have a look at the original posts. I'll always leave the sources at the bottom of each post. If you see anything miscredited, please let me know!

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