The shocking discovery underneath the Easter Island heads!

The Easter Island is one of the remote islands of the world, and it is famous for The Eastern Island Heads, also called moai. These are some 887 extant monumental statues are present on this island and in museums and most of them have very big faces with enigmatic expressions. These statues were carved out of compressed volcanic ash, basalt, pumice and other elements by the Rapu Nai people, around 1250-1500 CE. The tallest among them named Paro is a 30 feet tall moai weighing around 82 tons.

The discovery

Scientists have discovered that the statues are not just faces, in fact most have full bodies with torsos and most of them finishing up till knees. On the outside, only the giant faces were to be seen, but after excavations, researchers found that they indeed have full bodies and have engravings on them. These engravings are in an indecipherable writing, known as petroglyphs. Now, it is uncertain whether these bodies were buried on purpose or whether they got buried because of time and erosion. But, one thing is certain, the mystery which could not be solved till date, i.e. the reason of their existence, have been deepened further, as the carvings on these bodies definitely hold some meaning, but only time will tell whether the researchers are able to decipher the meanings or not.

Physical characteristics of the statues
The heads of these statues is what is mostly visible and it is their faces which have unique features. Most of the moai have an average height of 4 m, and weigh around 12.5 tonnes. The faces of moai are characterised by a broad nose, a strong chin, rectangle shaped ears, lips protruding into thin pouts and very deep eye slits. The expressions on these faces are enigmatic and show a great hint of pride.

History of the People who carved them
The Rapu Nai people are believed to have come and settled on this island during 700-1100 CE. According to some oral traditions recorded by missionaries in 1860s, the island initially had a stiff and strong class system. The area was headed by a high chief called an ariki, exercised great power over the other clans which were present on the island. The most important cultural activity for the people was to build massive statues, and some scholars believe that these statues were of the deified ancestors.

A belief on the beliefs of the people

In a report National Geographic had said that some scholars believe that moai were built to honor the ancestors, chiefs, and other important personages of the time. But, all this is not certain as there are no written or oral historical facts available.

The relationship between the Rapi Nau people and the statues
There is also this belief that the people had a symbolic relationship with their ancestors, and they believed that whatever comes to them, comes through the ancestors. The ancestors provided them with health, fertility, fortune and protection. And in return, the people gave offerings to the ancestors which ensured a better place for them in the spirit world. As most of the settlements were located on the coastal areas, the statues were also erected on the coastline, and they were believed to be watching over the habitants of the islands and faced their backs towards the sea.

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About sorhac

Hey,i'm Nelson, a portuguese designer, Blogger and much more... SilverNuts is a multisubject blog that shows all the interesting stuff i find on the net and life. At this point some of the posts you will see are reports from other blogs or sites... But im looking forward to be able to write and posts original material. I encoraje you to always have a look at the original posts. I'll always leave the sources at the bottom of each post. If you see anything miscredited, please let me know!

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